she wanders

discovering peace amongst the chaos

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the story.

finding life by alessa.mary
finding life, a photo by alessa.mary on Flickr.

Someone shared with me recently that they have nothing to share, nothing to offer the world, nothing to hold onto or take pride in.His words spoke louder than what he was saying. What he said was, “I have nothing to share” — but his words revealed that the innermost part of his heart, coupled with the lonely look in his eye, was in reality whispering  “I am nothing”.

But the truth is, everyone has their story to share.

Yours will be radically different from mine, perhaps so dissimilar that it will take a while for me to comprehend, or perhaps I will never comprehend the heights and depths to which your life has brought you.

And your story may also capture in it pieces so akin to mine, so vividly similar, that for brief moments we remain connected in their silent realities.

The beauty of a story, particularly your own, is that it constantly builds and remains undoubtedly intricate — with you as the story-teller highlighting precisely the pieces to leave those to whom you share it with a longing to know more, to understand more completely.

To journey with you a bit further through the gift each one of your words.

Our stories are bigger than we are.

They can travel farther than we can. They can speak louder than us. They bind us to one another while simultaneously breaking the chains that hold us captive.

So tell your story; weave your heart into the hearts of those around you and find freedom from all that has chained you in the overwhelming silence. And when those surrounding you so boldly speak out their own, cherish their story as your own, hold it close, accept it as an irreplaceable and transformative gift, a piece of freedom, a glimpse into beauty.